
Center Cardio Laval

How should you dress for an ECG Holter placement? 🩺

how to dress for a holter insertion

You have just been told by your cardiologist that you need to have a Holter ECG test?

You know you're going to have to abide by certain constraints for a while, including a dress code. 🤯

And, you probably have many other questions that come to mind...

No need to panic! Don't worry! We're here to help you demystify it all.

While you may find that taking this Holter exam seems complex at first glance, it will be our pleasure to make this one simple to make your experience as pleasant as possible 🙂

If you're reading this article right now, it's probably because you have an appointment with your cardiologist and you have no idea what to wear.

It's easy, just read on to get the answer to your questions!

What to expect when it comes to Holter ECGs? 🫀

So let's try to answer your many questions about the Holter test. Know that you are really not the only ones to ask these questions!

What is a cardiac Holter?

First of all, let's start with the basics!

When you are told that you will need a Holter test, what exactly do we mean?

The Holter is simply a test that records information about your cardiovascular health, such as your rhythm and heart rate, over a long period of time.

How long does the Holter test take?

The examination of your heart is spread over a minimum period of 24 to 48 hours.

Indeed, we agree with you, it can seem very long. However, keep in mind that it is only temporary, we know you will get there! 🤩

cardiac holterHow do we get this data back?

How is the registration done? So, here is a question that many people ask themselves!

Well, you will see that it is very simple! During your appointment, the cardiologist will install several electrodes on your chest.

The electrodes are very small metal discs that will succeed in capturing your pulse and heart rate. Impressive, right? 😇

Afterwards, the data will be recorded using a small ECG recording device, also called a Holter monitor.

Once the data is collected, the computer will be able to analyze it and draw a conclusion about your heart health.

And, these data will be analyzed by our cardiologists at Laval Cardiovascular Evaluation Centre !

Are the data collection instruments cumbersome?

Although the instrument may seem cumbersome, the exam is not supposed to restrict you in your daily activities!

Moreover, with the evolution of technology, we can see a downward trend in the size of the devices!

Kind of like we've seen with the size of smartphones and laptops lately! 📲

Although your new friend the Holter monitor will follow you for a full day or more, it is important that you continue to pay attention to your daily activities so that the results of the recordings are true to your habits.

It will be there, but pretend it's not 😉

So there's no need to cancel your Wednesday night garage league or miss the premiere of the movie you've been waiting for! Hurray!

Why have a Holter ECG test?

During your first visit to the cardiologist, you probably went there because you observed an abnormality on your health condition which can result in :

- Heart palpitations

- Discomfort and dizziness

- Loss of consciousness

- A syncope

The appearance of these symptoms could be a sign of heart problems. It is very important to identify them early to get them under control!

Alternatively, a Holter test may be necessary to analyze the effectiveness of medical treatment.

 Your cardiovascular health is our priority!

It is indeed very important to be attentive to the signs that our body throws at us! You are certainly making a good decision by consulting one of our specialists.

However, don't be afraid! Stop imagining several scenarios in your head, you risk creating more fear than necessary.

The examination prescribed by your cardiologist is to ensure that your heart is healthy !

What to wear when having a Holter test at the Cardiovascular Evaluation Center?how to dress for a holter insertion

In an effort to give you the best possible experience with the Holter ECG exam, we are going to give you our best tips to apply as a cardiology specialist!

We know it can be stressful for some...

When you arrive at our clinics for the installation of the equipment, since the examination lasts several hours, we recommend that you do not be afraid to get comfortable and put on your soft clothes!

Take advantage of it, you finally have a justified opportunity to do so! 😂

It would be a shame if you felt uncomfortable during your exam...

What to wear as a sweater?

Now it's time to put away your beautiful and chic evening wear!

Yep, it's pretty much time to pull out your big, loose knit that's been lying around that you've never had a chance to wear! 😁

Indeed, loose-fitting sweaters will be ideal for you, since they will allow you to hide the many wires and electrodes that are hidden underneath.

They will also allow you to have a greater range of motion, which will not interfere with your daily activities.

In addition, since the electrodes will be numerous on your chest, we recommend that you do not wear a low-cut sweater since they may be visible.

What to wear as a bra?

You are a woman and you are used to wearing a bra with underwire in everyday life?

Unfortunately, we have to tell you that you will have to do without it for the duration of the exam.

Indeed, the metal rings that support your chest and the pressure they exert on your bust could be very uncomfortable and interfere with your activities.

Why is this? The reason is simple: the electrodes are mainly placed there. 🥲

What to wear as pants?

As for the pants, you'll probably be happy to know that there are no constraints. In other words, it's carte blanche 😉

Since the electrodes are placed on the upper body, there are no major constraints to respect.

However, you might enjoy wearing pants that include a pocket. I'll tell you why!

As mentioned earlier, this heart test requires the use of a Holter monitor that records your data.

So it could be very useful to have a pocket to put the device in question inside it!

how to dress for a holter insertionAre there any constraints concerning the accessories?

You will be surprised to learn that some accessories can be very useful for your exam!

If you're a regular belt wearer, this is perfect! 🥳

The belt is a very practical alternative to the pants pocket. Indeed, it will allow you to hang your small recording device on it.

In addition, fanny packs can also be a great help to you to drag your small recording device wherever you go, without being too bulky.

That's it! You are now ready for your next appointment.

We hope that our advice will be of great help to you and that you will feel more confident about what to do next!

You are from the Laval area and you want to have a Holter test? Make an appointment online with us!


Holter recording or event monitoring | Heart and Stroke Foundation (coeuretavc.ca)

Cardiac Holter: installation, examination, how to sleep with it? (journaldesfemmes.fr)


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cardiac ultrasoundsymptom heart palpitation