
Center Cardio Laval

Hypertension: how to take care of your heart every day 🫀


Hello everyone and welcome to this blog dedicated to cardiology! 

Here, we delve into the heart of the diseases and problems that affect our precious organ and blood vessels.

Today, get ready to tackle a subject of vital importance to millions of people around the world: high blood pressure. 💥

You know that sneaky condition that can cause a lot of trouble if it's not taken care of properly?

So follow me for a complete overview of high blood pressure: its origins, the warning signs, and the preventive and curative measures you can take to get rid of it!

We're off! 👇


Understanding hypertension in cardiology: definition


You know that silent disease that affects so many people without them even realizing it?

It's amazing how you can live with that without even knowing it, isn't it?

Yet it's important to be aware of it, because if left untreated, it can lead to serious heart problems.

So what exactly is high blood pressure? 🤔

Well, that's when the blood pressure in the arteries becomes too high.

Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

When pressure rises really high, it forces our heart to work harder to pump blood, which can cause serious damage to our vital organs, like the kidneys, or even lead to a stroke (cerebrovascular accident). 🩸


Causes and risk factors associated with hypertension


Many people ask: what are the causes and risk factors associated with this disease?

Well, there are several things to consider.


🧬For starters, there are hereditary factors.

In other words, if your parents suffer from high blood pressure (HTA), you're more likely to have the same problem.

But this doesn't mean you'll always be affected!

So it's important to take care of your health to avoid the worst.


🌿 Next, we mentioned lifestyle as another potential culprit in our blood pressure.

For example, an excessively salty diet can lead to a gradual increase in pressure in our veins over the years.

And drinking a lot of alcohol or smoking doesn't help at all!


⚽ The total lack of physical exercise also plays an important role: those who never engage in physical activity have more problems of this kind than those who regularly take part in sporting activity.

The good news is that it's never too late to start, and a simple daily walk can already have a positive impact on your cardiac well-being!


🧘 Another interesting thing is how constant stress can influence our hypertension, especially when we constantly feel pressure at work or in the family. 

So learning how to deal with these situations is essential to avoid too many worries.


🧓Finally, we need to bear in mind that age also plays a key role in all this.

As we age, our arteries become less flexible, which tends to raise our blood pressure.

That's why it's important to monitor your blood pressure regularly as an adult!


In short, there are many factors that can make us more vulnerable to high blood pressure, and it's crucial to be aware of them in order to adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid serious cardiovascular complications.

And above all, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor: they know a thing or two about the subject! 🧑‍⚕️


arterial hypertension definition


Symptoms and complications of hypertension


Although it may sound strange, hypertension is often dubbed the "silent killer", as it usually presents no obvious signs.

Yet if we pay attention, persistent headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness, unusual fatigue and shortness of breath can be just a few clues to too-high blood pressure. 🥵

However, what's most worrying about this disease is the serious risks involved if appropriate treatment is not provided in good time.

For example, it can lead to strokes, heart attacks and strokes of the heart. heart attacksor even chronic renal failure!

When you think about it, how can something so seemingly trivial cause so much trouble?

Whatever the case, it's better to prevent all this rather than seek medical solutions later! 💡

Let's start living well now: let's exercise regularly, let's watch our diet carefully... You see?

In the end, taking care of our bodies today means ensuring a carefree future, and above all, taking care of our little hearts!


Medical treatments to control blood pressure

Above all, it's important to know that treatment will depend on the level of hypertension and general state of health.

There are four main categories of medication used to treat hypertension: diuretics, calcium-channel blockers, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers.

Each group has a different effect on blood pressure.


👉 Diuretics, also known as "water pills", help the body eliminate excess water and salt via the urinary tract. 

This relaxes our blood vessels, reducing blood pressure.


👉 Calcium channel blockers, on the other hand, prevent calcium from entering our heart muscles and vascular cells, causing muscle relaxation and lowering pressure.


👉 In the case of ACE inhibitors, they act specifically by blocking the enzymes responsible for blood vessel contraction. 

This allows dilated veins and arteries to relax further, reducing blood pressure.


👉 Finally, beta-blockers reduce heart rate and blood flow, which also has the effect of lowering blood pressure.


It is interesting to note that some patients require a combination of several drugs to effectively regulate their blood pressure.

And let's not forget that it's essential to combine these treatments with a balanced lifestyle: a healthy diet, regular exercise and stress management are essential to maintaining good cardiovascular health.


Prevention and tips for a healthier heart


You know how it is, we often hear about heart problems and other cardiovascular concerns around us. 

This may lead us to ask the following question: how can I improve my heart health to avoid these hassles? 🤔


🥗 First of all, it's essential to paying attention to our diet

We all know: eating well helps keep your heart healthy! 

So why not include more fruit and vegetables in our daily meals? 

And don't forget fibre-rich foods like legumes and whole grains! 

And while we're at it, let's add some oily fish like salmon and walnuts, which are full of omega-3s, so good for our little red organ!


🏃 Then, regular exercise is another key factor in taking care of our hearts! 

Who doesn't love a quick stroll or bike ride? 

These aerobic activities are some of the best exercise you can get... 

But don't hesitate to try swimming, yoga or strengthening your muscles either, as these have a beneficial effect on both body and mind!


😴 And now let's talk about relaxation and night-time recovery, two aspects we tend to neglect sometimes. 

Do you know how important sleep is for optimizing the functioning of our vascular system? 

Try to sleep about 7 to 8 hours a night, if possible. 

It's a necessary rest for our overall well-being!


✨ Finally, stress management is essential to achieving balance. 

Stress can have a negative impact on our overall health. 

Find relaxation techniques that suit you: meditation, reading, calm and soothing music - these are just a few examples of practices you can implement on a daily basis.



These simple but effective tips will help you look after your heart and avoid heart problems. 


arterial hypertension definition


At the Centre d'évaluation cardiovasculaire de Laval

To sum up, there's no denying the importance of cardiology as a key area of medicine that focuses on diseases affecting the heart and blood vessels. 🩸

Hypertension is one of these medical concerns, affecting a considerable number of people across the globe. 

This condition is responsible for a number of complications, including heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

So why not pay closer attention to the risk factors associated with high blood pressure? 

Adopt preventive measures to boost your cardiovascular health! ☝️

Don't waste a second in pampering your heart! 

If you're concerned about your heart or the health of your cardiovascular system, it's time to take action. 

Call right away at our Laval Cardiovascular Evaluation Center, a facility specializing in cardiology. 📱

Our team of seasoned experts is ready to support you and find the ideal solutions for your specific needs. 

Whether it's for a complete check-up, a regular follow-up or to deal with an urgent heart situation, we're here to look after your well-being and keep your health on track. 🫀


🏢 : Mascouche

🏢 : Laval

🏢 : Piedmont

🏢 : Vaudreuil-Dorion







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