
Center Cardio Laval

Women's heart health: what you don't know can hurt you! 💖

heart problem symptom woman

In today's fast-paced society, where agendas overflow and responsibilities pile up, it's easy to overlook a crucial aspect of our well-being: heart health. 

Yet this vital element deserves all our attention, especially for women who, often absorbed by the role of family or professional pillar, put their own health on the back burner. 

"Women and heart health: what you don't know can hurt you" is more than just a catchy title; it's an urgent call to awareness. 

In a world where the race against time seems inevitable, we forget that our heart beats the measure of our life. 

This article is your invitation to pause, listen to what your heart has to say and discover the often overlooked realities of women's heart health. 

Because what you don't know can actually harm you. 

Ready to change the game? 

Follow us on this essential exploration for every woman. ✨


Women's hearts: a major health issue often overlooked

Heart health is a crucial issue for women, as cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among them. 

Yet these health problems are often underestimated and misunderstood. 

In this article, we'll explore the specifics of heart disease in women, the risk factors they face, and how to prevent and manage them.


Key figures and misconceptions about women's hearts

Heart disease affects many women around the world. 

According to the World Health Organization, they account for 35% of deaths among women, more than cancer and road accidents combined. 

Yet preconceived ideas are hard to dispel: heart disease is often thought to be a male issue. 

This lack of awareness can have serious consequences, as it can lead to early warning signs being overlooked and medical treatment delayed. ☝️

heart problem symptom womanFocus on female risk factors

As we move forward in our exploration of heart health, it's essential to pause for a moment to take a closer look at the risk factors that are specifically female. 

This section, "Focus on female risk factors", highlights these less obvious but crucial factors in women's heart health. 

We lift the veil on these often overlooked risks, to offer you the keys to effective, tailor-made prevention.


✔️ The role of hormones in women's heart health

Female hormones, such as estrogen, play a protective role on the heart and blood vessels. 

They help dilate arteries and reduce the build-up of atherosclerotic plaque. 

However, this natural protection diminishes with age, particularly during the menopause, when estrogen production drops. 

This makes women more vulnerable to heart disease.

What's more, certain hormonal conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, can increase the risk of developing heart problems. 

It is therefore important to monitor and treat these hormonal imbalances to preserve women's heart health.


✔️ Pregnancy and cardiac complications

Pregnancy is a time of great stress for a woman's heart. 

Blood volume increases, heart rate rises and blood pressure may fluctuate. 

Certain complications of pregnancy, such as pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes, can have long-term consequences for women's heart health. 

It is therefore essential to carefully monitor the health of the mother-to-be, and to manage these complications as soon as they are detected.


✔️ Menopause and the evolution of cardiac risk

As previously mentioned, menopause leads to a decrease in estrogen production, which increases the risk of heart disease in women. 

What's more, menopause is often accompanied by metabolic changes, such as weight gain, increased cholesterol levels and higher blood pressure. 

All these factors contribute to an increased risk of heart disease in post-menopausal women.

heart problem symptom womanPreventing and managing heart problems in women

Tackling the prevention and management of heart problems in women is a challenge we must meet with determination and awareness. 

In this section entitled "Preventing and managing heart problems in women", we guide you through concrete strategies and practical advice designed specifically to strengthen women's hearts. 

We discuss key preventive measures and everyday management actions that can transform and save lives. 

It's a step towards empowerment and cardiac well-being for women. 👇


Signs and symptoms not to be overlooked

Women may have different symptoms of heart disease than men. 

For example, they are more likely to experience atypical pain, such as back, jaw or arm pain. 

They may also experience nausea, vomiting, fatigue or shortness of breath. 

It's important not to ignore these signs, and to consult a doctor promptly if in doubt.


Specific examinations and tests for women

Women should benefit from examinations and tests adapted to their physiology and risk factors. 

For example, a resting electrocardiogram can be supplemented by an exercise test to detect cardiac abnormalities. 

Pregnant or post-menopausal women should also benefit from regular medical check-ups to monitor their heart health.


Tips and strategies for a healthy heart

In our commitment to promoting optimal heart health in women, it's imperative to look at the essential tips and strategies for a robust, vigorous heart. 

Preventing heart disease in women is rooted in simple yet powerful daily practices that can make all the difference in preserving your cardiovascular well-being. 

Here's an in-depth approach to cultivating a healthy heart:

✔️ Eat a healthy, balanced diet A colorful plate, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and fatty fish, is the foundation of a healthy heart. 

Packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, these foods help reduce inflammation and keep arteries clear.

✔️ The crucial importance of physical activity : Regular exercise, adapted to your fitness level, plays a vital role in strengthening the heart muscle, improving blood circulation and reducing stress. 

Whether it's walking, yoga or swimming, finding an activity you're passionate about will help you stay motivated.

✔️ Say no to tobacco and limit alcohol: Smoking has a devastating impact on heart health, as does excessive alcohol consumption. 

Committing to smoking cessation and moderating your alcohol consumption are crucial steps in protecting your heart.

✔️ Managing stress and promoting restful sleep Chronic stress and lack of sleep can seriously affect heart health. 

Stress management techniques such as meditation, mindfulness or soothing hobbies, as well as a regular sleep routine, are essential for a healthy heart.

✔️ Medical surveillance of risk factors It's crucial to monitor and treat pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or hypercholesterolemia. 

Regular consultations with your doctor can detect and manage these risk factors before they impact your heart.

These tips, if integrated and practiced regularly, can transform your heart health and increase your quality of life. 

Remember, taking care of your heart is taking care of your life.


Contact us!

In conclusion, women's heart health is a major issue that is often overlooked. 

It's essential to take account of women's specific characteristics, identify risk factors and implement appropriate prevention strategies. 

Don't hesitate to consult our cardiologists for personalized follow-up and advice tailored to your situation.

Contact Centre Cardio Laval right now! 📱







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