
Center Cardio Laval

Heart palpitations: mysterious phenomenon or tangible reality? 🫀

heart palpitation

Who hasn't felt their heart leap into their chest, beating at a frantic pace as if they were running a marathon? 

These sensations, commonly referred to as "palpitations", tend to arouse a certain excitement in us. 

Are they normal? 

Do they herald serious heart problems? 

This is what we're going to detail in this article. 

Together, we'll get to the heart of the matter: the human heart.

Navigating between urban legends and scientific reality is key to demystifying this issue, which sometimes crystallizes our deepest fears when it comes to cardiovascular health.

It's equally important to highlight the precise and complex role of the heart, and why it can seem to go too fast or too slow for no apparent reason.

Finally, understanding when these manifestations should prompt a professional consultation can help everyone to act judiciously in the face of the symptoms encountered. 🧑‍⚕️


Definition of heart palpitations

Heart palpitations, although often worrying, are relatively common sensations. 

They manifest themselves in a variety of ways, and understanding their origins is crucial to understanding them better. 👇


Understanding palpitations: a question of rhythm

Palpitations are generally defined as the abnormal perception of a heartbeat. 

They can manifest themselves in different ways: the sensation of a strong or rapid heartbeat, a momentary stop followed by a more intense "thump". 

Sometimes dramatic silence lasts only a brief moment, but it's striking enough to be felt as a real abnormality.

Understanding these sensations begins with understanding our internal geography. 

Located in the hollow of our chest, protected by the sternum and ribcage, lies the incredible natural machinery that is the heart. 

His mission? 

Propel oxygen-rich blood relentlessly through a closed, precise circuit known as the circulatory system. To do this, its driving force is based on ordered rhythmic contractions - the beats - whose intensity and frequency make up our pulse.

Heart palpitations refer to unusual variations in this normal rhythm. A rate that is too fast (tachycardia) or too slow (bradycardia), or an irregular rhythm, are all possible manifestations of heart palpitations.


Palpitations versus arrhythmia: Making the difference

Let's clear up any confusion: palpitations are not synonymous with cardiac arrhythmia, even though these two phenomena can occur at the same time.

While arrhythmias are mainly characterized by a disturbance in the rhythm or frequency of the heartbeat, usually regularized over several hours or even days, palpitations appear only occasionally when you pay attention.

The electrocardiogram (ECG), an essential visual tool, helps differentiate between these phenomena by recording the heart's electrical activity. 

While a normal ECG will show a curve with regular undulations, an ECG of a person with arrhythmia will exhibit a more chaotic pattern.


A common occurrence: Does everyone have palpitations?

Heart palpitations are a common experience: we've all felt them at one time or another. 

Anxiety, emotional or physical stress can temporarily cause accelerated heartbeat sensations - think, for example, of the minutes before speaking in front of an audience or after climbing several flights of stairs.

In fact, our heart is designed to respond to our changing physiological and environmental needs by modifying its rhythm according to the stimuli it receives.

According to some medical estimates, up to 25 % of the adult population have experienced palpitations at least once in their lives. 

In some individuals, however, they can be more frequent and disruptive, interfering with their daily activities.

It's not necessarily a cause for concern, but there's no doubt that we need to learn to listen to this meaningful language, which could signal a serious problem concerning our cardiovascular health, as well as a simple transient reaction due to modern lifestyle.


heart palpitation

Causes and symptoms of heart palpitations

Heart palpitations can have many causes and manifest themselves through a variety of symptoms. 

Understanding these factors is essential to better manage these sometimes worrying sensations. 👇


Understanding the causes: What makes our heart beat faster?

Basically, it's a question of rhythm. 

A rhythm that most of us don't even notice, except when it changes. 

Palpitations can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, strenuous exercise or the consumption of stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol. 

Sometimes, they can also be symptomatic of an underlying medical problem such as thyroid disease or a heart condition.

It is therefore important to consult a professional in order to correctly identify the possible causes and propose a suitable treatment if necessary.


Symptoms associated with palpitations: More than just a different rhythm

In general, when you experience heart palpitations, you may have an unpleasant feeling that your heart is beating too hard, too fast, irregularly, or that it seems to skip beats between several regular beats. 

These sensations are often felt in the thorax, and sometimes even in the neck.

Learning to recognize these symptoms is important if you are to act quickly, because if they persist in your daily movements, they can lead to certain medical complications that prevent, for example, the serene execution of intense physical effort.


When to consult: Learning to recognize warning signs

If your palpitations are frequent and accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain, unusual shortness of breath, excessive fatigue or fainting, this is when the alarm bells should ring. 

It is then imperative to consult your doctor as quickly as possible, who will probably guide you towards specific tests to detect whether there is an underlying cardiac disorder.

Learning to recognize these signals is in itself a form of active prevention. 

Fortunately, we now have a sophisticated medical arsenal that not only enables rapid diagnosis, but also precise guidance towards the right treatment for each individual case.


How can Cardio Laval help?

Cardio Laval is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized support to each patient, taking into account their individual histories and needs. 

Our team of cardiology experts is ready to support you from the initial consultation to ongoing support to ensure your cardiovascular well-being. 👇


A dedicated team: Meet the experts in cardiology

At Cardio Laval, we take every patient seriously, and we recognize that behind every consultation lies a life with its own stories, fears and expectations. 

Our multidisciplinary team of highly qualified, experienced cardiologists provides personalized care, both in our Laval clinic and in our various outpatient services in partner clinics.

At Cardio Laval, you're not just a note on the day's practitioner's sheet; our approach focuses first and foremost on individualized care, where many factors enter into our decisions, such as family medical history, eating habits, level of physical activity and even your hobbies.


Our services: From consultation to support

It all starts with an initial consultation, during which a complete physical examination is carried out to assess your cardiovascular health. 

Depending on your symptoms, we may also perform more advanced diagnostic tests, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG).

Depending on the results, our diagnostic tools enable us, if necessary, to install or fit the equipment required for long-term monitoring, such as the holter, which monitors the patient's heartbeat for 24 hours or more.

In conclusion, even if each case is unique and has its own particularities, you can rest assured that at Cardio Laval, we're a close-knit team working towards the same goal: guaranteeing your cardiovascular well-being.


heart palpitation

Is it possible to live with palpitations?

Yes, living with heart palpitations is not only possible, it's very common. 

Palpitations are generally benign and can be tolerated once you understand their nature. 

However, you should monitor your heart health regularly to ensure that it remains normal.

Adapting to life with palpitations can involve learning methods of self-relief, such as deep breathing or yoga. 

Some people find it useful to keep a symptom diary to identify any potential triggers in their everyday environment. 👇


Prevention and healthy living: the right gestures

Our body is our temple, which is why we need to take the best possible care of it. 

When it comes to heart problems such as palpitations, certain habits can help minimize their occurrence.

Firstly, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 

Conversely, as far as possible, avoid processed foods that are too high in sugar or saturated fats.

What's more, regular exercise not only keeps the heart muscles toned, but also promotes better sleep. 

Ideally, you should gradually introduce cardiovascular exercise such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming, while taking care never to over-exert yourself, which could harm rather than benefit.

Finally, by avoiding high levels of stress and anxiety, you can also reduce heart palpitations. 

Meditation, relaxation and pilates techniques can reduce feelings of tension, offering the body opportunities to refocus.

And don't forget to see your doctor regularly as a preventive measure. Don't hesitate to make an appointment at Cardio Laval for an examination, even if you're not ill, simply to monitor your health!


Looking ahead: What progress is being made?

Over the years, science and technology have made great strides in the cardiovascular field. 

Research is currently being carried out to develop new methods to better understand the cause of heart palpitations and their treatment.

Notable advances include molecular genetics, which can now identify the genes that make certain people susceptible to these conditions. 

Telemedicine enables continuous follow-up and remote monitoring of patients. 

One of the main challenges is the early detection of serious illnesses. 

The medical world continues to search for effective ways to diagnose and help people with this problem. 

The future is optimistic and will bring more complex solutions.


FAQ : Your questions, our answers

We have collected a number of questions frequently asked by our customers:

🗨️ Is it normal to have palpitations? 

Yes, it's normal to have them occasionally. However, if you're concerned, we suggest that you take stock of your situation

🗨️ Should I go to the emergency room if I feel it all the time?

If this becomes a regular occurrence, it's important to consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible, as the consequences could be serious.

🗨️ Do palpitations only affect the elderly?

It's a common misconception, but the reality is that palpitations can affect anyone, at any age. 

The important thing is to take these symptoms seriously and seek medical advice if necessary.


Think of your heart, think of Cardio Laval

Palpitations can be mysterious and anxiety-provoking. 

At Cardio Laval, we're here to support you in your quest for optimal heart health.

It's important not to ignore your symptoms and to make an appointment with our heart specialists, who will help you understand what's causing your palpitations and how to manage them.

Put your trust in our dedicated team of cardiology experts. 

We offer a full range of cardiac tests that can help diagnose palpitations, such as Doppler echo of the heart or Holter cardiac monitoring.

Living with palpitations is never easy, but know that you're surrounded by the best ally in this fight. 🧑‍⚕️ 

Give yourself the chance to live stress-free. 

Regularly reviewing your heart condition is a good habit.

Stop worrying. 

Focus on planning and vigilance with our multidimensional approach that includes prevention, screening and therapeutic management.

Now that you know more about these rhythmic disturbances, you can stay in control. 

Take the time to enjoy quality time with those you love, because that's what really counts at the end of the day. 

So take care of yourself and come and see us as soon as you have any doubts.

Make an appointment ! 🖥️







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